Mountain bikers looking for a bit of urban racing can get their fix at the Portland Mountain Bike Short Track Series beginning June 22 on the Portland International Raceway infield.
The seven-week series runs Monday nights June 22-August 3. In short-track tradition, racers will do multiple laps (3-5) on a course that includes a bumpy dirt track on the motocross course, fast grassy flats and a twisty section of fun singletrack under the trees. The compact course makes for a very spectator-friendly race.
Anybody itching to get out on the course before next week's series opener will get the chance tonight. The free short track trial night will run from 5-7 p.m. and will give riders a chance to check out the course. Riders will also be able to register for the first race (or the full series), pick up the series race plate and get tips from expert riders.
Online pre-registration is HERE. Online series waiver form is HERE.
Start Times & Race Duration:
4:00 - Course open for pre-riding
5:00 - Registration opens
5:45 - Kiddie race - racing for 5 minutes (this race is FREE, but registration is required)
6:00 - Cat 3 Men, Cat 3 Women, Junior Men & Junior Women: racing for 20'
6:30 - Cat 2 Women (19-34 & Master 35-44 & 45+), Cat 2 Men Master 45+ & Singlespeed: racing for 30'
7:00 - Cat 2 Men 19-34 & Cat 2 Men Master 35-44 - racing for 30'
7:30 - Pro Men, Cat 1 Men (19-34 & Master 35+) & Pro/Cat 1 Women: racing for 30-40'