Mark Steger (Nike) returned to PIR for another win Monday night, following up on his victory last week in the Masters Men 1/2/3 race. Steger finished ahead of ZteaM's Kartsen Hagen, Portland Velo's Brian Ratliff, Cyclepath's Christian Tresser and Vanilla Bicycles' Shannon Skerritt.
Karey Miles (Therapeutic Associates Racing/GENR8) took her first Monday night win of the season in the Senior Women's race. Miles finished ahead of Land Rover-ORBEA's Heather VanValkenburg, Wenzel Coaching's Kendra Wenzel, Wines of Washington rider Pam Massey and Sorella Forte's Anne Linton.
PIR Monday Night Series, May 25
Novice Women - 13 finishers
1. Hackenberg, Emily (ZteaM) 15
2. Gibbs, Zan (Sorella Forte) 12
3. Shepard, Amy 10
4. Pranian, Katy (Sorella Forte) 8
5. Kennedy, Anne (Team Guinness) 7
Novice Men - 16 finishers
1. Hagmeier, david 15
2. Wolf, Jeff (Organic Athlete) 12
3. Stewart, Donovan (Portland Velo) 10
4. Pool, Eric 8
5. Payson, Matt 7
Masters Men Cat. 4/5 - 33 finishers
1. Desmond, Richard (Team Oregon) 15
2. McDade, Stephen (Beaverton Bicycle Club) 14
3. N/A
4. Aldersebaes, Dave (Ironclad Performance Wear) 10
5. Rich, Tim (Team Rose City) 7
Senior Women - 23 finishers
1. Miles, Karey (Therapeutic Associates Cycling/GENR8) 21
2. VanValkenburg, Heather (Land Rover-Orbea) 14
3. Wenzel, Kendra (Wenzel Coaching) 10
4. Massey, Pam (Wines of Washington) 8
5. Linton, Anne (Sorella Forte) 7
Masters Men Cat. 1/2/3 - 43 finishers
1. Steger Mark (Nike) 15
2. Hagen, Karsten (ZteaM) 12
3. Ratliff, Brian (Portland Velo) 10
4. Tresser, Christian (Cyclepath Racing) 10
5. Skerritt, Shannon (Vanilla Bicycles) 8